Welcome to the November edition of What We’re Investing In. For all the first time readers, every month we compose a summary of all the currently funding investment opportunities on the OurCrowd platform. This month, we’ll take a look at four companies ranging from a fast growing car rental business to a “free-dimensional” video technology company. To find out more details about these companies, join and accredit at trust.ocdvlp.com.

Hyperlocal, on-demand car rentals in India

India blog postThe sharing economy is one of the fastest growing segments in the tech world today. Pair that with the unprecedented growth of recent Internet penetration in India (350M people online and growing), and you’re looking at a market ripe with opportunity.

This particular company is capitalizing specifically on an opportunity in the private transportation market in India. The majority of the Indian population that can’t afford to buy their own cars currently rely on chauffeured ride-sharing applications like Uber or Ola Cabs. This company allows its customers to rent cars through an intuitive mobile app, pick up the car at one of hundreds of local spots in various major Indian cities, unlock the car with their phone, and drive away. The company launched with seven cars in 2013 and now owns a fleet of over 1,800 cars.

SEE ALSO: Looking to Asia: The state of India’s startup ecosystem

Turning the average employee into a data analyst ninja

Picture2OurCrowd is investing in a leading business intelligence software company that removes the dependency and need for expensive data scientists. Large organizations are looking to leverage the ever increasing amount of collected data to gain a competitive edge. Because the current process of translating data into coherent insights is so IT driven, companies end up waiting a long time for information that will help them make informed business decisions.

This  company allows any member of a company to process data without a line of code and in a matter of minutes. The platform is extremely cost efficient, eliminating the need for consulting data scientists, and providing instant insights that can lead to more immediate ROI.

Leveraging underutilized computer memory for secure data storage

innovation-mythsIsrael has become renowned for its thought leadership in most of the major industries being innovated today. Data storage is one particular area that Israeli entrepreneurs have excelled in.

OurCrowd is investing in an Israeli storage company addressing the multi-billion dollar, on-premise storage market. While there are tons of companies focused on cloud-based solutions, this company is utilizing available memory on computers throughout a company’s network to store both structured and unstructured data. This approach has two unique advantages over existing solutions. Firstly, because the data is being stored on a company’s in-house computers, the need to invest in data storage hardware is essentially eliminated. Secondly, spreading encrypted data throughout thousands of company computers eliminates the cyber security risks associated with cloud-based solutions.

SEE ALSO: Storing up on knowledge: An expert Q&A panel on Israel’s data storage success

Free-dimensional video tech for improved sports viewing

camera on stadiumFor all the sports fans out there, this one’s for you. Imagine watching a football game and being able to see the field from the point of view of the quarterback, as he dissects the defense, scheming to craft the perfect play. By installing ultra HD stationary cameras around a stadium, this company is able to capture any moment in 3D, providing a qualitatively better viewing experience for the spectator. Instead of watching one replay from 5 different angles, you can get one 360° reenactment of the given moment. This technology has applications in multiple markets, such as coaching and analysis, broadcasting, and virtual reality.

SEE ALSO: Game changers: 4 tech trends re-inventing the world of competitive sports

Next Steps

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To find out more about these investment opportunities and others on our investment platform, contact our Investor Relations team or visit our website.

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